霍兰德职业兴趣测试Self Directed Search by John Holland

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霍兰德职业适应性测验(The Self-Directed Search, 简称SDS)由美国著名职业指导专家 J.霍兰德(HOLLAND)编制。在几十年间经过一百多次大规模的实验研究, 形成了人格类型与职业类型的学说和测验。 该测验能帮助被试者发现和确定自己的职业兴趣和能力专长, 从而科学地做出求职择业。The SDS is based on a theory developed by John Holland, known as RIASEC theory, that both people and work environments can be classified according to six basic types. The goal of the test is to calculate which of six general personality types you fit into, as well as show the next two types with which you partially overlap. Once you have this three category ranking, you can use it to identify careers that are a good match for you.

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